Why Big Things Have to Start Small
The successful know that their efforts will become significant as they move forward

Why big things start small? Because we can’t understand a complicated task unless we break it down into bite-size chunks. Our minds can process only one item at a time. We have to start small.
I read something similar in an interview where Jeff Bezos was discussing his experiences during Amazon’s growth phase. He said, “The biggest oak starts from an acorn, and if you want to do anything new, you’ve got to be willing to let that acorn grow into a little sapling and then finally into a small tree, and maybe one day it will be a big business on its own. We know that big things start small.”
Thinking of small beginnings, in 1995, according to Craig Stoltz, Jeff’s garage was his headquarters. When Craig visited Amazon for a story in The Washington Post, Jeff told him that he had been up late packing books with his wife.
Since I first heard this mantra, a year ago, it has affected my way of thinking and working. I am no longer overwhelmed by my urge to do something great in a single day. If I can persuade myself to take small steps in the right direction, it would allow me the flexibility of changing my strategy at the moment when I am not getting my required results.
Jeff Bezos knows about starting small as he has started many businesses since 1995. He has succeeded in some and failed in some. He owns more than sixteen successful companies, including The Washington Post, Blue Origin — his rocket company, Whole Foods, IMDb, Goodreads, Twitch, Audible, and many more.
He has nurtured multiple businesses from planting the seed till they became big oaks. Talking about his new ventures, he said, “Inside our culture, we understand that even though we have some big businesses, new businesses start out small.”
It would be very easy for the person who runs a US books division to say, ‘Why are we doing these experiments with different things? Why don’t we spend our resources and all that brainpower on the books category, which is a big business for us?’
But inside Amazon, when a new business reaches some small milestone of sales, email messages go around, and everybody’s giving virtual high fives for reaching that milestone. I think it’s because we know from our past experiences that big things start small.”
Every small success is a small step in the right direction. Every step in the right direction boosts our confidence and gives us the courage to keep going.
This mantra will help you reach your goals and dreams one step at a time. Gradatim ferociter, a Latin phrase, is Bezos favorite. It means step by step ferociously. It’s the motto for Blue Origin — his rocket company. He remarks, “Basically you can’t skip steps, you have to put one foot in front of the other, things take time, there are no shortcuts, but you want to do those steps with passion and ferocity.”
“You need to be content with small steps. That’s all life is. Small steps that you take every day so that when you look back down the road, it all adds up, and you know you covered some distance.” ~ Katie Kacvinsky
Many smart people have said things that mirror this mantra — as it helped them in reaching their daily targets. For example, Helen Keller said, “I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.” Robert Louis Stevenson had a similar message, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” Oprah Winfrey expressed her mind using these words, “The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but on significance — and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meanings.”
We have to take the necessary steps to face our daily challenges. When I believe that big things start small, it makes me a little relaxed mentally. I know my small — seemingly insignificant — steps matter, especially when one day, I would look back to make sense of my long journey.
“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh
In businesses that fail, the chief executives skip some small steps — because it is easy to forget the significance of some steps if you did not learn things slowly with the growth of the business. Ultimately, it is the small steps that combine to make the long-term.
It can be tough to be patient for a long time. It’s hard to stay your course without panicking when things are not going your way. It’s not easy to stick to the script. But success in life is a marathon, not a sprint.
Big things start small — when I repeat this mantra in the morning, it reminds me of all the things I have read about its wisdom. It helps me to make the most of what is in front of me. This awareness frees my mind — at the moment — from continuously thinking about the results that are not in my control unless I achieve my daily targets.

Big things have to start small. There was a time when Amazon’s entire team could fit in a small conference room. Starting something is not easy, but the smallness of your business is not a hindrance to your growth.
Many people, who started small, have become millionaires. In Global Wealth Report 2019, Credit Suisse has counted the number of millionaires in the world. According to this report, America has 18.6 million millionaires — 40 percent of the total number of millionaires in the world —this is the highest number for a single country.
To implement these great insights, you can take these steps:
- Develop a bias toward action. Keep pushing yourself to do something related to your goals.
- Set a minimum daily target of significant activities that you must accomplish.
- Mark those days with red color on a calendar when you could not reach your daily target.
- Read and learn new things related to your daily tasks.
- Try to break your own records by improving your performance with enhanced focus and commitment.
- Celebrate every small successful step.
- Avoid doing things that will take you away from your goals and dreams.
- Mother Theresa said, ‘Do small things with great love.’
Each small step gives you the courage to take another one. If your growth is slow, it is better than standing still. You must try to realize that every step is going to be more significant if you keep going.
Keep dreaming big but not at the cost of your daily target of meaningful actions.
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